What’s In & Out – 2024

It seems like I blinked and we’re already in the 4th month of 2024, I am trying to regain a sense of control over my life and take a look at how I’ve been growing the past several months of the year. I didn’t make any resolutions this year and instead am focusing on accomplishing the goals laid out in my vision board. But without meaning to, I have cut several things out of my life and added a few new things that have already helped me get further in four months than I thought I’d be in 6. Maybe it’s my frontal lobe getting closer and closer to full development as my 25th birthday approaches – I’m not sure. But what’s out is out and what’s in is in. Here are my (not so serious) outs and ins for 2024:


1. Staying up late during the week

I swear I am genetically a night owl, and going to bed early was a hard habit to break – for a brief period of time. Especially now that the days are longer I want to be outside in the sun after work for as long as possible and that isn’t something I’m willing to give up. But the brain-fog I experience if I don’t get enough sleep has become so draining that I’ve managed to switch up some routines and get myself in bed by 10pm. I might not fall asleep right away, but even just being horizontal 1-2 hours earlier than I used to has made a huge difference on my mental clarity, productivity, and overall health. Bedtimes are so back.

2. Noodles

Believe me when I say this one wouldn’t be out if I had my own say in the matter. But after two separate experiences of eating a delicious pasta dinner and then being so bloated and physically uncomfortable for THREE days afterwards has made me completely uninterested in eating pasta ever again. And this is coming from a girl who’s birthday dinner for 5+ years was mushroom ravioli with Alfredo from Ciao Bella (which I’ve also informed my family should be my death row meal if it ever comes down to it). I don’t know if my body is developing a pasta-specific gluten sensitivity or what but I’ve been forced to say ‘no’ to noodles.

3. Fake nails

I feel so put together and feminine when I have a nice set of long nails on my fingers and I love how they transform my short, stubby boy hands into normal looking girl fingers. But I can take it no longer. I can no longer carry around nail glue in every purse I own. I never want to be scrubbing my hair in the shower and feel it getting underneath a loose nail. I refuse to rip off the plastic nails and see my natural ones tearing and shredding underneath. So for now, I’m only using this nail growth clear polish on my nails trying to improve the ones I was born with. Maybe in a few months they’ll grow past my fingertips. 


1. Cats

I was brought up to believe that cats were gross and not a pet worth having – by my mother. She is right about 99% of things but cats are not one of them. I babysat my boyfriend’s cat last month for a whole week while he was out of town and absolutely loved having his cat Toast in my apartment. My friend Abbey’s uncle works for the human society and we are adopting our own kittens (brothers!) in the next few weeks. I am SO excited to have my own little kitten. 

2. Diet Soda

This might not be the healthiest thing to bring back into my life but it has been a source of much joy for me over the past few months. I like to joke that there is really no problem I’ve faced that hasn’t been solved or at the very least improved by a diet pepsi. But I’ve been loving having a crisp diet 7up while I wind down for bed or a diet orange crush when I’m not really hungry but craving something sweet. For now, diet soda is a guilty pleasure I’m letting myself lean into. 

3. “Busywork”

I have a hard time sitting still or just sitting down to relax – which is partially why I think it was so difficult for me to start going to bed earlier. But as silly as it sounds, I’ve been enjoying knitting (though not well) and using this adult coloring book based off a book I recently read while I wind down for bed while watching TV. I think I just have a short attention span and keeping my hands busy allows my brain to relax more easily. 

4. Apple watch

Before I got a new job in January, I was working a few blocks from where I live downtown. I’d walk to work, home from work at lunch, back to work afterwards, home again at the end of the day – you get the point. But now that I commute in my car I am not getting nearly the amount of steps I’m used to. So I dug out my old apple watch and updated it so I can keep track of how much movement I am getting. I even ordered a cute band for it off Etsy so I’m more likely to wear it every day. 

Those are my current ins and outs! I can’t wait to see what other things slowly fade in and out of my life over the coming months. Stay tuned!